Monday, March 5, 2012

MRSD Travel Log - March Newsletter

MRSD Travel Log - March Newsletter

Throughout the month of February, I found myself going from one end of the country to the other, a visit to our state capitol, and finally wrapping it up in my hometown for Read Across America.

After the Black Hills Stock Show & Rodeo, I had four wonderful days at home before heading to Fresno, California. There I had been invited as a past national officer of the National Postsecondary Agricultural Students Organization (PAS) to help develop leadership curriculum for PAS members and officers. It was a treat seeing fellow past officers as well as working with faculty and industry members from across the country. I have personally gained so much from my involvement with agriculture, and it was great being able to give back.

I flew home, switched suitcases, and was off to Kissimmee, Florida for the Silver Spurs Rodeo in a matter of twenty four hours. Mark and Laura Kessler go above an beyond to make sure all of the visiting queens have a great time there. We spent a morning at Cocoa Beach, swimming in the ocean. I even had alligator, catfish, turtle and frog legs for supper one evening. But Florida wasn't all play and no work. The week leading up to the rodeo, we were able to visit several of the elementary schools and explain to the students what they would see at the rodeo. Also, the school visits were a great time to educated the students about what cowboys do for a living and where their food comes from.

Although my California to Florida run was a blast, I truly enjoyed being back home. Senate Minority Leader, Jason Frerichs invited me to spend at day in Pierre at the state capitol. Part of my job as Miss Rodeo South Dakota is to inform people about South Dakota, so it was a great chance to get input from the individuals who help shape and govern our state. After being introduced during the House and Senate sessions, I had a meeting with Secretary of Agriculture Walt Bones, Lucas Lentsch, and Blair Dunn. I am grateful that all three of them took the time to meet with me and discuss what agriculture looks like throughout our state and what the future holds for the industry. Fun fact: There are approximately 5 head of cattle for every SD resident.

Finally, I was able to read to several classes at Westside Elementary School in Sisseton for Dr. Suess' Birthday and Read Across America. My favorite part about talking to young students is the variety of the questions and comments they propose. It is not uncommon to hear, “What's on your hat?” or “My grandpa's a cowboy.” or even “So how old are you, really?” Only recently have I began to understand to importance of school visits. Children are naturally curious and enjoy learning. School visits are a great time to explain what goes on at a rodeo, what a cowboy stands for, and to give some individuals a glimpse into what some many of us across South Dakota do for a living. Not only are these students potential fans for rodeo, but they are future consumers for agriculture. Coincidentally, school visits are often one of the most rewarding parts of my reign.

Since the beginning of my year, I have already had quite the experience. 1,000 autograph sheets and 10,000 miles later, March is shaping up to be an adventure as well. I will be stopping at the North Dakota Winter Show in Valley City, catch a few bull sales with dad and the cousins, help with the National PAS Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, and finish up the month in Oklahoma City for the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo. The best part is staying the same time zone. The forecast, clear skies, free of any jet lag!

Until next time, 
Courtney Peterson
Miss Rodeo South Dakota 2012

Getting to see all of Florida! On the airboat with some great ladies! Next to me is Kim Kuhn, WY; Sadie Wardner, ND, and Caitlin Thorne, ID, in front.
Photo courtesy of Beverly Udell.

Safety first! Kim Kuhn, Miss Rodeo Wyoming and I sporting our yellow "ear muffs."

Ultimately my favorite picture from Kissimmee, Florida.  Somethings don't happen twice.
Photo courtesy of Beverly Udell.
Roommates for the week in Florida with Sadie Wardner, Miss Rodeo ND, and Kallie Baker, Miss Rodeo OK.
Photo courtesy of Beverly Udell.
Most of the visiting royalty up early on Sunday morning in Kissimmee, FL.
Photo courtesy of Beverly Udell.
A few of the all-stars during the exceptional kids rodeo, along with SD, UT, WY, ID, ND, & OR.
Photo courtesy of Beverly Udell.

School visits in Florida alongside Kim Kuhn, Miss Rodeo Wyoming and Caitlin Thorne, Miss Rodeo Idaho.  This is where we were told, "My food come from my mama!"
Photo courtesy of Beverly Udell.
State capitol visit in Pierre, SD, with Senate Minority Leader Jason Frerichs. What a great state we both get to represent!

Read Across America at Westside Elementary in Sisseton, SD.